Sedation Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry in Germantown, MD
Many people avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear of pain. There’s no need for either to stop patients from visiting River Stone Dental. We offer sedation to make it easier for our patients to get the care they need without worry. Your level of sedation will be determined based on your specific needs. Your safety and comfort are important to us and we carefully monitor our patients who receive any type of sedation.
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Nitrous Oxide
Also known as laughing gas because of the feeling of comfort and ease it encourages, nitrous oxide is the mildest form of sedation. It is easily administered using a nosepiece and it is safe even for kids. You will remain awake and alert during your procedure but will still be relaxed and calm. The effect of your local anesthetic which we use to prepare an area for a dental procedure will also be enhanced by the sedation. One of the benefits of nitrous oxide is that it wears off almost immediately and there are no residual effects. It is generally safe for you to drive yourself home after the appointment.
Oral Conscious Sedation
This mid-level sedation is administered through a commonly used prescription pill. The patient takes the medication several hours before treatment. Our doctors will vary the dosage to adjust the strength of sedation required. Oral conscious sedation causes drowsiness, so you should arrange transportation to and from the dental appointment. You’ll remain conscious during your treatment and be able to respond to directions. You won’t feel any pain during your procedure. The drowsiness takes a few hours to wear off so plan to take it easy for a few hours.
IV Sedation
For our patients who need a higher level of comfort, our dentists are trained to offer sedation intravenously. This fast-acting anti-anxiety medication allows you to remain conscious and follow directions, but you won’t feel anything during your treatment. Some patients are so drowsy that they don’t remember the treatment. It’s important for you to arrange transportation to and from your appointment because you won’t be able to drive. You can expect to remain drowsy for most of the day. This is a good option for patients who will undergo extensive treatments or who have high levels of anxiety.
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